Osteria La Gramola – Cucina tradizionale Toscana e del Chianti – Traditional Tuscan and Chianti cuisine
sweet mimosa
Women’s Day, March 8, mimosa to sweet Gramola
How to celebrate this party?
A simple party for women or “disappear” alone with your friends for a day,
are just some of the ideas.
Whichever way you decide to spend thisday, we offer a night here with us, in Osteria La gramola, where you can enjoy our food and where to find a quiet moment with friends, but, you can also choose, as in Mexico, where the women have fun to ride a bike in high heels.
For almost 60 years the mimosa is the symbol of March 8, Women’s Day, or rather, of the Women’s International Day.
Why this flower? What could be better than a flower in a colorful and cheerful, the day dedicated to women? That’s how, for almost 60 years, on March 8 becomes the triumph of twigs with yellow dots, with that their typical and delicate aroma.
But how did this tradition?
Let’s find out, but first we present this flower. The mimosa, Acacia dealbata common name, belongs to Mimosaceae family. It is a popular ornamental plant because of the characteristic flowers with yellow dots, intense but delicate blooms in February.
His reputation as a symbol of International Women’s Day is linked to important historical events and is an Italian story.
it was decided to adopt the branch despite several years March 8 was chosen first as a day dedicated to women at the international level, only in 1946, at the initiative of the activists Rita Montagnana and Teresa Mattei, the UDI (Union Women in Italy ) mimosa as a symbol of that day.
The reasons are several.
The first, because the mimosa is a pioneer plant, spontaneous, and is willing to vindicate the rights of women and the fight to assert them.
The second is in bloom at this time. The third, is that its flowers are bright, cheerful, cheerful, delicate appearance, but very strong and proud, just like a woman.
On March 8, 1946 was celebrated the first International Women’s Day throughout Italy, whose symbol has become, in fact, the mimosa.
The women’s day term is, in fact, improper, because on March 8 has a rich and painful history, to be honored for what it represents and for the rights and freedoms that have led to all women.
But because of this, and because the woman should be celebrated every day, we leave the story as well, which certainly should not be forgotten, and let’s enjoy this day, in joy and pleasure …